Aim & Objectives
1) Our aim is to train the grass root church planters where the gospel of Christ not reached.
2) Identifying the people groups who are not reached by any mission.
3) Children ministry through V.B.S, C.B.C, Clubs and conferences.
4) Equip the illiterate believers to reach their neighbor and friends.
5) A.I.D.S awareness in remote villages and medical supply to the H.I.V infected patients.
6) Faith home for the children those are rejected from society.
7) Special youth camps for students to grow in spiritual life and witnessing other friends.
8) Medical ministry in emergency of earth quakes, floods, accidents, malaria, dengue, filarial and diahorrea.
9) Conducting village crusades.
10) Bio occasional programs for church planters, self supporting.
11) Women ministry arranging retreats.
Mountain of Jesus Ministries
A Project of Human Development